D. Jones brokerage account, for a total transferred to Mark Andrew Gomez of
Additionally, the structured settlement paid by Allstate Life Insurance
Company as described in paragraph 1.32, is an extremely valuable asset that
provides Gary Wayne Thompson over $9000 a month income for life.
Another error contained in this First Period return is that Mark Andrew
Gomez reported $131,743.20 of income, and $123,571.22 of expenditures, leaving a
net income, according to his inaccurate calculations, of $8,171.98. The amount of
income in the first return should have been $121,743.20, because Mark Andrew
Gomez included in income a $10,000.00 transfer between accounts. If the income
had been shown correctly, there would have been a deficit for this first period of
$1,828.02, rather than the net income of $8,171.98 that is shown.
This first annual return of Mark Andrew Gomez inaccurately states that Gary
Wayne Thompson had assets of $141,987.33 at the end of the period. This amount
ending assets is misstated, as this is only the amount in the Edward D. Jones
brokerage account at that date.
The accurate total ending assets should have included the amounts in both the
brokerage and checking accounts, which were $146,421.88.
Of greater significance than the accounting misstatements are the following
items, which are a part of the RICO Enterprise conduct of Mark Andrew Gomez and
the Other Racketeering Defendants. This RICO Enterprise conduct is as follows.