Jane Doe 3
Jane Doe 3 is the designation given for a defendant whose participation in the
RICO Enterprise is presently unknown. Once this individual is identified, the
Complaint will be amended.
8. FACTUAL INFORMATION Relevant to all of the Causes of Action
The factual information contained in the following sections is to be considered in each of
the causes of action, just as all information contained in this Complaint, including the
attachments, is to be considered as part of each of the causes of action and relief
requested in this Complaint. It is only for the purpose of organization that the headings of
the various sections identify the information as associated with a particular defendant,
event, explanation or cause of action.
The Funds of Gary Wayne Thompson Provided the Racketeering
Lawyer/former Guardian a Readily Available Source of Money to Create a
Racketeering Enterprise.
Mark Andrew Gomez took the guardianship of Gary Wayne Thompson to
use the assets as the base of operations of a RICO Enterprise. All fees paid to Mark
Andrew Gomez for administering the assets of this guardianship are a part of the
RICO Enterprise. When Mark Andrew Gomez obtained the appointment as guardian
of the property of Gary Wayne Thompson, he seized upon the opportunity to illegally
begin sharing the money that belonged to Gary Wayne Thompson, an incapacitated