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A payment was made by Mark Andrew Gomez, as guardian of Gary
Wayne Thompson, in the amount of $1,029.52 made to Brenda Hamby, for a trip
to Florida. No adjustment was made for persons other than Gary Wayne
Thompson on this trip.
The obsession of Mark Andrew Gomez and the Other Racketeering Defendants
with the operation of their RICO Enterprise prevented Gary Wayne Thompson from
receiving the services that Mark Andrew Gomez and the Other Racketeering Defendants
were contractually and legally obligated to perform for Gary Wayne Thompson. This
division of allegiance by Mark Andrew Gomez and the Other Racketeering Defendants
enhanced the damages to Gary Wayne Thompson.
8.2.9 Examples of this type of conduct and thereby damages caused by the RICO
Enterprise during Period One are identified as follows. 
There were payments totaling $13,186.25 for physical rehabilitation
for Gary Wayne Thompson that could have been filed with the Gary Wayne
Thompson’s insurance carrier for payment, but were not. 
There were payments totaling $462.36 for physician’s visits that could
have been filed with the Gary Wayne Thompson’s insurance carrier for payment,
but were not.
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