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This litigation is one of the last resorts of Rhonda McClendon, as Guardian of
Gary Wayne Thompson, to recover, minimize and cease the financial damages caused by
the Racketeering Lawyer/former Guardian and the Other Racketeering Defendants. Each
day that the fruits of this Racketeering Enterprise are in the hands of the Racketeering
Lawyer/former Guardian and the Other Racketeering Defendants is a day that interest is
lost on these funds by Gary Wayne Thompson.
The remedy sought here against a professional such as the Racketeering
Lawyer/former Guardian is not an exclusive remedy for his conduct; however, this
Complaint is a necessary, preliminary step in restoring the funds stolen from this
incapacitated adult.
The conduct of Mark Andrew Gomez mandates his permanent disbarment from
the practice of law and further mandates appropriate consideration for criminal
prosecution. These two corrective actions are for other forums, but this Complaint
contains relevant information in support of corrective actions against Mark Andrew
Gomez by other forums.
The Following Paragraphs Summarize the Correlation and Causal
Relationship between the Predicate Criminal Acts by the Racketeering
Lawyer/former Guardian and the Other Racketeering Defendants, which Comprise
RICO Violations, together with the Injuries and thereby Damages Suffered by Gary
Wayne Thompson
There is a direct, causal relationship and correlation between the conduct of
Mark Andrew Gomez as the former guardian of Gary Wayne Thompson and the
following identified acts of illegal conduct by the Racketeering Lawyer/former Guardian
and the Other Racketeering Defendants, as they engaged in a pattern of racketeering
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